Sunday, May 29, 2011

Showtime series "Homeland" - Event photographer

So occasionally I (Jay Evans) work on a feature film or tv show as a background actor.  I usually get to do 1-2 a year depending on what comes through the area and what is going on. It is fun to see behind the scenes and the effort and detail that goes into the things we watch on a regular basis.  One doesn't make a lot of money doing background work and the hours are brutally long, nor do you get a lot of respect on the set from anyone.  However, you get an amazing story you can tell your friends at parties and occasionally you actually get to see yourself on the big screen. 

Anyway, earlier this year I had to opportunity to be cast as a photographer (rather fitting) on a pilot for a series that Showtime was putting together called "Homeland".  The series will star Clarie Danes and Damian Lewis (Capt Winters - Band of Brothers).  It was soooo cold on the set the days we worked.  We just about froze out there.  I was so cold that my camera was shaking from me shivering during the takes.  Anyway, they are slowly releasing teasers and trailers from Showtime to build up anticipation for the show.  Personally, I think the show is going to be a success, and not just because I am in it.  Anyway, they just released a new teaser the other day and at 41 sec in I noticed someone who looked familiar.  Here are some stills from that time frame.  That is me and my Nikon camera taking photographs during a scene on the set.  I wish I could share the resultant photograph that corresponds to this moment but it was requested that I not release those photographs until the episode has aired.  But I can share these video stills of Picasso Perfect Photography's Jay Evans on the set of "Homeland".  I thought they came out kind of cool!

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